Adventures with Hip Image

Almost five and still alive

May 14, 2020

Welcome to May 2020. We have arrived in a flurry of masks, hockey stick distancing, toe pumps and many pajama days. Still here, surviving! As Hip Image gains momentum toward our 5th anniversary, we realize how much we have done, the fun we have had and how many wonderful people we have met along the way.


Flashback to 2015: Starting a business during an economic downturn (oh for the prosperity of those downturn days to be back!), COVID-19 is the biggest hurdle yet for our world, communities, families and of course, it affects us profoundly as a small business.


As a small event-based business, COVID-19 has been devastating. Our busiest season, the one that floats us through the rest of the year, has been cancelled this year. What happens now? The big unknowns of how long this period will last are large and omnipresent.


Our business model is designed on people coming together, celebrating in large groups, laughing together, sharing, rubbing shoulders in close quarters … (how many people can you fit in a VW photo booth bus – nine adults is our record so far). How do we pivot into this new era? Is it even possible?

Cue superhero music … Enter BUTTERCUP, the beautiful, resilient VW bus! She has lived through 50 years of change, met many people, seen many places and traveled many miles.


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Lessons we have learned from Buttercup


1) Take it slow and steady (she has no other speed)
2) Stay cute and bright — it instigates smiles
4) Stay true to your own VW self and your friends will see you through

So we are here, with you reading about where we are and what we are doing. That means we are here together, communicating, reaching out and seeing each other through. We miss you Calgary and want to bring some joy back – after all, that’s truly what we’re best at.


Here’s how we’re photo boothing in Coronageddon


We’ve come up with a way to generate those good vibes and capture them in a contactless, curbside photo booth.


How it works: We’re bringing the pictures to you in Buttercup, our lovable VW bus with our pro photographer setting up your scenes outside your space. You’ll still get a custom photo template, message, digital files and print copies to treasure. We can either go propless (not topless…) or we’ll work with you on keepsake props you’ll get to use and keep as your very own.


We can’t get close, but that is what zoom lenses are for. Besides, Buttercup looks great from the outside too! Together, we will stay the course and navigate this new normal.


We are ready to roll and make memories that will outlast this time of COVID-19. In 50 years from now, we will look back and say, “Not only did we survive, we made the best of difficult times and kept on smiling.”


So jump on board with us and let’s get this party (re)started!